I am so bad at putting things in Blake's baby book. I don't have the time to go in his room sift through all his stuff, lug out the baby book, and then write all the info down in it. Usually if and when I do have the time, it's when he's sleeping in his crib.
Here are some things he's done or did:
* Ate rice cereal at 4 1/2 months
* Ate carrots at 5 months and loves them
* Rolled over at around 4 1/2 months and has done it only six times since
* Pull plug out of mouth and put it back in at 4 1/2 months
* Pull down on toys at 4 1/2 months
* Pull head up when sitting 5 months
* "Talks" at 4 3/4 months
* Wears 6-9 months stuff 4 months
* Smiles at strangers 3 3/4 month
* Giggles out loud 3 1/2 months
* Stands on his legs while holding on to mommy or daddy's hands 4 3/4 months
I feel like there is more, but I just can' remember them....
One of these days when he's not sleeping I will get my baby book out and put the information in it