Sunday, February 22, 2009

Today a day for new things

Blake ate Cheerios and goldfish for the first time. For awhile all he wanted were his puffs, baby biscuits, and yogurt. We are going to try and have him eat baked potatoes and peas for dinner tonight. He has been a finicky eater lately, which is strange for us because he use to eat anything and everything before. He also walked about 10ft by himself this afternoon. My goal is to try and have him walking by his first birthday. We'll see though, that's only 4 weeks away.


Karebear said...

Oh my word!
I cannot believe his 1st bday is only 4 weeks away! Wow! How did that happen so fast?? And look how he is developing such a personality....complete w/ food preferences. haha. How did the peas and sweet potatoes go for dinner??? lol. What a sweetie, little Blake. I love him! xoxo

kdana said...

how exciting! can't believe he took so many steps today. that's awesome! anxious to hear what he thinks of the mashed potatoes and peas!

Megan said...

Are you sure you want him walking?! hehe

He is so stinkin' cute.

Judith and Lance said...

WOW -- Sharon, it sounds like he IS already walking, you accomplished your goal. Once they start eating Goldfish they never go back (or as Bella calls them, Goalgies)

Cara said...

OMG He will be walking in no time!! That was my goal for Wyatt but I don't think he is going to make lol.

Ben & Bobbi said...

I still love Goldfish!