Friday, March 13, 2009

A year ago

A year ago tomorrow I ended teaching and became a full time stay at home mom. It has had its challenges and many rewards. I am grateful to no end that my husband works his tail off to allow me to stay at home and be Blake's teacher, mom, and friend. I can't imagine having to leave my precious boy for 8 hours a day and then coming home and spending time with him. I miss teaching a ton! I love being a mom a ton! I am so glad that I am able to get together with teacher friends almost once a week. I have started to help out with Junior high at church so I can get my kid fix in and see some former students. This is a wonderful time in my life to be able to invest in my child as my fulltime job. Teaching will come back some day, but until then this other full time job is a joy!


Megan said...

well said!!! :}

Cara said...

that is great you are able to help out at church! Teaching will come back sooner that you think they way our kids are growing up so fast!

Karebear said...

Very well said, sister!
And very wise of you to sort thru your mixed feelings and find the such value in staying w/ little Blake. You'll never regret it! xoxo

Karebear said...

By the way...if you keep working in'll get Mark in there in another year. :)