I recently read an article about Jon and Kate (From Jon and Kate Plus 8).I must say, I am a big fan of the show. Jon had recently said that he has male and female friends and just because he's famous he isn't going to stop being friends with females. Okay, he's right, just because he's famous maybe not stop being friends with females. But HELLO...how about because you are married you stop your female friendships. Honestly, I had friends that were males in high school and college and we would go shopping together, tanning together, sporting events together, ex. However, when I got married, those "guy" friendships stopped as far as going out alone together. Now that I am married, we try and have couple friends vs. male or female friends. Am I the only one here who thinks thats way? Do you think it's okay if you are married to go out with a "guy" friend alone? Or have your husband go out with a "girl" friend alone? Seriously, what is Jon thinking?
2 hours ago
I totally agree with you Sharon! I had a lot of guy friends growing up and when I got married I stopped hanging out with them by myself. We would hang out in groups, but NEVER EVER ALONE! That is just asking for trouble. I hope that Jon and Kate work things out and the media would leave them alone. Every couple has issues, but having them placed for the world to see is just wrong. I am praying for them and for Jon to get ahold of himself!
I mostly agree with you...I think there are circumstances when it's okay and depending on the people. I still have some guy friends that I meet for lunch once in awhile. One of Ben's friends used to live a few houses down from us and we would go running together. It's kind of funny though because I don't think I would like Ben spending time alone with any female friends...
Those "friend" relationships never work. I even hate the fact that Noah works with ALL women let alone going on a one-0n-one activity. People who cheat on their spouses say "it just happened" but I think if you don't put yourself in that position to begin with you have nothing to worry about! A lot of times people can emotionally cheat on their spouse, so avoiding alone time can only help, not hurt a relationship. I am really dissapointed in Jon and quite frankly I have lost a lot of respect for him.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation :)
I completely agree with you Sharon and I can say that Brian does as well. It was an easy choice we made once we got married. And I'm glad we did!
Agreed. I'd kill Erik if he ever went on a date with "friend". He doesn't even meet with ladies in the office if there isn't someone else there.
Now..I have guy friends, but never would even consider being alone with them.
Jon Jon Jon..being with a friend over lunch may be acceptable in some circles. But, being at a club with a "friend" at 2 in them morning while chillins are sleeping at home...not okay.
I agree, Shar Shar. All opposite sex relationships should be OVER after you are married. However, I do know that my cuz above has some guy friends she hangs with and I know that it is completely innocent so maybe there are exceptions but I would say FEW and far between. And, certainly as a general rule only make friends of your same sex and keep them after you married.
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