My little one is learning so much right now. Today I was sitting in his bedroom while he was playing and my legs were stretched out. He went in his drawer and found his shoes and tried to put them on my feet. Ugh...he just melts my heart. He has found his little nose hose and has decided while eating he will just stick his finger in his nose and keep it there. I just laugh and's too funny to correct right now. He knows commands like: shut the door, knock on the door, throw something away, get a book, ex. He loves to have all different kinds of bottles (water bottle, milk gallon, ex.) and put the tops on the correct bottle. I find him learning everyday. It's hard because he will not sit still for me to read to him, so I feel like he isn't learning. However, every week he shows me he is learning something new. I love this boy!
3 hours ago
P.S. He looks like kent in this picture. :)
It is amazing how much they learn that doesn't come from a book. They learn by watching us and exploring. Wyatt is into sunglasses and phones. He knows the glasses go on his face and the phone goes up to his ear to talk lol! Don't feel bad if he wont sit for story time, he will learn way more from hands on things.
So cute, he looks a lot like you in this pic. LOVE IT.
He's learning, Mama, he's learning! What special times!
And he knows how to bring things to Auntie B.
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