I heard Jon from Jon and Kate Plus 8 say that "His family is his priority." I am glad to hear that however, having been through such a hard road in our marriage, I would have liked my husband to have said, " My marriage is my priority." I believe that in order for your family to be strong, first and foremost, your marriage needs to be strong. Family is important don't get me wrong, but when your marriage is falling apart like theirs is, your family needs to be what you are pouring your time and effort into.
2 hours ago
That is so true! Also your kids should know that your marriage comes even before they do. I know that may seem hard but as parents we need to show our kids the true value of marriage. Noah and I have made that promise to each other...no one will come between us, not even family, because we are our family now.
So true. The best thing besides Jesus that I can give to my children, my church, and my community is a good marriage. Erik has to be not just a priority, but besides Jesus, he needs to be THE priority.
Amen, Bethany!!!!
Sharon -- I totally agree with you. Keeping your husband/marriage first provides the security that your children need to thrive. Lance will always be my #1.
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