Thursday, December 23, 2010

20 Week appointment

My 20 week appointment couldn't have gone any better. Jason was able to join me this time, so I was really happy to have his support. Whenever he comes with me to the dr. appoinments I feel supported and I feel like we are a team. So I throughly soaked in this moment!!!

The tech showed us the babies had changed positions last time we saw them and then confirmed (so did the dr) that we were having one of each. A boy and a girl to add to the Sidell household. Even as I type that we are having one of each, it still blows my mind we are having twins. NEver in my wildest dreams would I think we would be chosen to parent, love, and raise these two precious lives.

The results of the ultrasound were great. Reid is 13 oz and Tatum is 12 oz. Reid measured at 21 week and four days or so...Tatum measured at 20 days and 1 day. The dr wasn't concerned at all with the distance of days between the two. As the dr. scanned the babies, he showed us the nasel passage had been delveoped and that the limbs measured well. He looks for those things because he said that by doing so it shows that the babies are developing well and there are no signs of down syndrome. He said the babies look great and this is the way you would want your appointment to go. We were thrilled at the good news!!!!

Once again we are getting all these picture of Reid adn not too many of Tatum. I am more than half way there!!!!! If all goes well, I will deliver at 38 wks!!! 18 weeks to go and I know it will fly by!!!!! So much to get done and take care of before these little ones enter our lives and our homes.

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