Blake got two board games for his birthday. I decided he can attempt to play them now that he will be three in about a month. We sat down on the family room floor today and played our first one:Candy Land. He did pretty good. He understood to move spaces according to the color you drew. He did great at taking turns, and even did good when he noticed I was beating him. Tomorrow we may bust out Chutes and Ladders.
Today I also signed him up for a buddy and me class at the hospital. It will be a tour of where I will be and a nursery of the babies. It should be fun!
Also, potty training is going pretty good except for number two. We have tried so hard to accomplish it. He does fine if we put him on the potty when we see him trying to go, but he doesn't take the initiative and go himself like he does when he has to do number 1. We are still working on it and will continue to do so until he is successful!
3 hours ago
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