Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I was a huge fan of the Hills, but now it kind of is getting on my nerves!


Samantha said...

Amen! I have finally "left" the show because the people are just getting annoying.

I have now turned to Raising the Bar with Zack Morris - I LOVE HIM! TNT all the way on Monday nights for me - I've even gotten Jim into it.

Cara said...

I have been trying to catch up on the Hills, but I keep missing it. I am still a fan but I am not sure why lol

Gina said...

I totally hear what you are saying. BUT something keeps drawing me to it, maybe the fashion or that it's in California or maybe the social dynamic. Who knows. I did like last nights episode and man I really can't stand Spencer!!!!

Judith and Lance said...

I agree, I haven't watched it the last few seasons b/c it just started to seem too staged to me. And, now when will I even have time to watch it?